Sunday, January 16, 2011


this is the most difficult part of my life.. battling myself from Bronchitis... everyday, i have to consume 8 different type of medicine.. i would like to apologize to all my frens for what i posted in FB.. i really2 sorry..i know its rude n disrespectful.. the effect of those medcine has turn me into someonelse.. i'm not koyan tht u guys used to love / hate before.. now, i feel much better mentally and physically.. n i keep push myself for speedy recovery.. ..gud luck pal...


  1. Yo Mirul!
    no worry bro!
    i think everyone understand!
    just do what u feel make you feel better^^

  2. tnx sis..but the didnt deserved all the thing i said..

  3. then let us all help you!
    we may never be able to give you the best but we will give you all we got!
    just be strong and we all get through this.
    life your life to the fullest.
    make your life meaningful,thats the only way you can do to to apologize to them. they are happy if you are happy!
    never underestimate the power of love!
    and we all love you!
